


The 7 Biggest Design Sins Of Decades Past (PHOTOS)

4. Wall-To-Wall Carpets. No, not all area rugs are bad. But the "high traffic" variety that usually covers hardwood floors? Not OK.

shag rug

5. Linoleum. Occasionally, linoleum flooring can be kitschy (if you like that look). But most of the time, it's faded, stained and, like carpeting, usually hides perfectly fine wood floors.

Gold Seal Linoleum Ad, 1952

Flickr photo via alsis315

3. Floral Wallpaper. Whether covering a wall or merely as a border, this '80s relic bled over into the '90s, along with its terrible cousin, amateur decorative painting.

1980s kitchen

2. Popcorn Ceilings & Acoustic Tiles Functional and "decorative," the former seemed like a great idea in the 1980s. Unfortunately, it takes a huge amount of effort to make that decision go away. As for acoustic tiles, they tended to pair with dropped ceilings. Because everyone wants their ceiling much lower than it needs to be.

Our Parlor / Living Room Boro Park Brooklyn 1976 70s

Flickr photo by Anthony Catalano

1. Wood Paneling Chances are, it's not rich, authentic wood. It's probably faux paneling glued to your living room, finished basement or dining room walls.

Wayne Gipson Family in the Living Room of the House That <a rel=,,20333774,00.html the Gipsons Built near Gruetli, near Chattanooga, Tennessee 12/1974"/>

Flickr photo via U.S. National Archives

It all starts with pink bathrooms. These 1950s home wonderlands of pink porcelain (usually accented with black and white) can be the bane of many a homeowner's existence -- if they're not into that retro look, that is. While the majority considers pink bathrooms a big "NO" on the list of desirable home features, that very room inspired a movement on the Save The Pink Bathrooms blog.

6. Mirrored Walls. This feature tends to outlast most marriages, just because of the danger factor in trying to remove the mounted mirrors.

mirrored bar

However, pastel powder rooms aren't the only features that inspire renovations, both DIY and professional. Meet the six other "design sins" of decades past. (You're welcome to agree or disagree.)

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